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Route length 3 days

On the trail of the Walser people, between Gressoney and Ayas Valley

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The experience

Un viaggio alla scoperta di un territorio dalla storia antica nell’abbraccio del verde di una natura prodigiosa. L’itinerario sarà l’occasione per conoscere i luoghi, i sapori e le tradizioni dei Walser un popolo di origini germaniche che in epoca medioevale si insediò in queste valli. Visite ai castelli, degustazioni di formaggi, passeggiate sulle tracce dell’architettura e dell’artigianato locale per vivere l’atmosfera d’antan –di un tempo- che ancora si respira tra la Val d’Ayas e la Valle del Lys.

L’itinerario che stai per scoprire è una traccia, sarà modificato e cucito su misura, per darti la possibilità di visitare e conoscere i villaggi e i paesaggi dove sono cresciuti i tuoi antenati se non provengono da questa area della Valle d’Aosta.

Il viaggio è accompagnato dall’equipe di Radici Contemporanee, avrai la possibilità di entrare in contatto con tutte le figure determinanti per ricostruire la tua storia familiare, inserirla in un contesto e rielaborarla anche in chiave artistico-creativa.

Da parte nostra, buon viaggio! 


Craft workshops



Visit to the chapel of Gaby and storytelling of the history of the Walser populations with a local guide.

Address: Gaby, AO, Italy



Ascent to Gressoney-Saint-Jean to discover the fairytale Castel Savoia, the summer residence of Queen Margherita, and a walk in the park with a botanical garden.

Address: Gressoney-Saint-Jean, AO, Italy


Walk to the village of Gressoney-La-Trinité and discovery of traditional architecture, with a visit to the Walser Ecomuseum with a guide.

Followed by a tasting of typical cheeses, including Fontina and Toma of Gressoney.

Address: Gressoney-La-Trinité, AO, Italy


Guided visit to the Castle of Verrès, an ancient military stronghold overseeing the Ayas Valley and the central valley.

Address: Via del Castello, Verrès, Italy


Visit the farm and produce your own cheese:

At the entrance to Ayas Valley, we take you to a family-run farm that has decided to follow the model of the typical rural family and the rhythm of nature.

You will visit the stable and then mix, curdle, sieve, pot, heat, and finally… taste a delicious fresh cheese!

Address: Brusson, AO, Italy


Discover the enchanting underground world with an exclusive nighttime visit to the museum and the ancient Chamousira mine in Brusson to learn about the historic gold extraction.

Address: Brusson (AO), Italy

Saint Jacques

Starting from the flowered village, Saint Jacques, walk along the Ru Courthod, a stream through the enchanted woods of the upper Ayas Valley.

The walk is even more exciting thanks to a stop at a mountain lodge for a typical high-altitude lunch.

Address: Saint Jacques, AO, Italy


Demonstration of sabot carving, the traditional wooden footwear of Ayas Valley, discovery of wood and, why not? Try them on!

Address: Antagnod (Ayas), AO, Italy


Workshop: Roots Speak

Write an experiential diary of your journey of roots and take home memories, drawings, words, and encounters from your days in the Aosta Valley. The roots speak, and we are listening.

Address: Champoluc (Ayas), AO, Italy

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