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Route length 4 days

Nourish your roots in the Aosta Valley

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The experience

Questo itinerario è un affascinante percorso di scoperta per tutte e tutti coloro che decidono di compiere il viaggio delle radici in Valle d’Aosta. Le tappe scandiscono momenti e luoghi simbolo della storia migratoria della regione e dei saperi artigianali che sono stati spesso fonte di patrimonio comune per i migranti, tramandati di generazione in generazione. Le tappe selezionate vogliono creare dei ponti tra identità, saperi tradizionali e il presente della Valle d’Aosta. 

Il percorso parte dalla città di Aosta, cuore pulsante della regione montana, per spostarsi sempre più in quota. Il viaggio prosegue nella Valle di Cogne, tra i paesaggi del Parco Nazionale del Gran Paradiso e si conclude a Courmayeur, sulla vetta più alta d’Europa, il Monte Bianco.

L’itinerario che stai per scoprire è una traccia, sarà modificato e cucito su misura, per darti la possibilità di visitare e conoscere i villaggi e i paesaggi dove sono cresciuti i tuoi antenati, senza perdere gli highlight della Valle d’Aosta.

Il viaggio è accompagnato dall’equipe di Radici Contemporanee, avrai la possibilità di entrare in contatto con tutte le figure determinanti per ricostruire la tua storia familiare, inserirla in un contesto e rielaborarla anche in chiave artistico-creativa.

Da parte nostra, buon viaggio! 


skyway mont blanc



City of Aosta

Visit the Veulla (in the local Franco-Provençal dialect, “Veulla” means city: those who lived in the side valleys of the region called Aosta “Veulla”, a term still in use). Suggestive exploration of the historic center, discovering the monuments that make the city unique. Impressive Roman remains and medieval churches testify to the history-rich and fascinating past of the city of Aosta.

After a gourmet break to discover mountain flavors, you can opt for an in-depth look at your roots at the BREL photo library or the Regional Library, or continue your tour of the city by visiting the extraordinary megalithic area of Saint-Martin-de-Corléans.

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Visit and workshop: the scents of ancient remedies at Maison des Anciens Remèdes.

Here you can discover the ancient knowledge of plants for medicinal use and get closer to traditional Aosta Valley flora inside a 17th-century rural house. The visit is interactive and multisensory, suitable for all ages, designed to allow touching and smelling plants or essential oils through riddles or games. During the workshop, you will personally prepare a traditional remedy with local plants from the Aosta Valley territory!

Address: Hameaus les Adams, Jovençan, Aosta, Italy

Aymavilles - A fairytale castle

The Castle of Aymavilles is a majestic residence overlooking the central valley and vineyards. Since 2022, it has been a museum hosting the collection of the Académie Saint-Anselme, the oldest cultural institution in Aosta Valley, and that of Vittorio Cacherano Osasco della Rocca, the last descendant of the Challant family. Before leaving, take a walk in the park to admire the dreamy view.

Address: Aymavilles, Aosta, Italy

Dinner at the lodge

Ascend to Cogne for a magical evening among the flavors of Aosta Valley cuisine and a selection of local wines, in a wood in the heart of the Gran Paradis National Park. To add a little adventure, during the winter season, dinner will be preceded by a short nighttime snowmobile ride. It is also possible to take a nighttime snowshoe trek.

Address: Cogne, Aosta, Italy

Walking/snowshoeing and wild watching

Walk in the heart of Gran Paradis National Park along a flat trail surrounded by woods and clearings.
Along the way it’s common to encounter many inhabitants of the Park, from foxes to ibexes, the park’s symbol. Keep an eye out for various bird species flying over the valley, including the bearded vulture, the golden eagle, and the greater spotted woodpecker.

Visit to the mines of Cogne

Cogne is closely linked to the mine that led to the flourishing of its community and the arrival of miners from all over Italy; a place of roots for many people. The new museum layout aims to tell the story not only of the heritage of the Pearl of the Alps but also of other Aosta Valley communities. During the tour, the visitor becomes a miner within the great deposit of history, through the help of multimedia languages.

Address: Cogne, Aosta, Italy

Traditional weaving workshop

Experience the secret technique of tombolo lace, a centuries-old art passed down from generation to generation among the inhabitants of the Cogne valley.

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Ascent to Skyway Mont Blanc

Arrival in Courmayeur, at the foot of Mont Blanc. A postcard landscape, a symbol for many people who emigrated from the Aosta Valley over decades. Today, Mont Blanc can be experienced in a new and, one might say, futuristic way thanks to the Skyway cable car. Starting from an altitude of 1300 meters to reach 3466 meters up at Punta Helbronner. Once at the top, there are many possibilities: visit the Cave Mont Blanc experimenting with high-altitude winemaking, the panoramic terrace, the cinema hall, and enjoy succulent meals.

Lunch at the Alpine Buffet (Pavillon station 2173 meters).

Workshop: Roots Speak

Write an experiential diary of your journey of roots and take home with you memories, drawings, words, and encounters from your days in Aosta Valley. The roots speak, and we are listening.

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