
Declaration of website accessibility for public entities referred to in art. 3 paragraph 1 of law 9 January 2004, n.4


Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation undertakes to make its website accessible, in accordance with law 9 January 2004, n. 4. This accessibility statement applies to:

Compliance status:

Partially compliant
This website partially complies with the requirements set out in Appendix A of the UNI CEI EN 301549 standard due to the cases of non-compliance listed below

Content not accessible

The contents listed below are not accessible for the following reasonsfailure to comply with law 9 January 2004, n. 4:

  • C. - Some non-textual content presented to you does not have an equivalent textual alternative that serves the same purpose;
  • C. - In some cases, information, structure or correlations conveyed by the presentation of the pages cannot be determined programmatically (or are not available via text);
  • C. - The visual representation of text and images containing text does not always have the minimum required contrast ratio, except for exceptions provided for by the regulations (e.g. logos);
  • C. - Some texts, except for subtitles and images containing text, cannot be resized up to 200 percent without using assistive technologies and without losing content and functionality;
  • C. - Content that does not require two-dimensional representation (such as data tables or maps) does not reflow when the dimension displayed by the user agent changes;
  • C. - For some essential components, even in different states, the color contrast with respect to adjacent elements does not exceed the ratio of 3:1;
  • C. - Some functions cannot be used via keyboard (or interface with similar input);
  • C. - There is no mechanism to skip content blocks that repeat across multiple web pages;
  • C. - Some Web pages do not have titles that describe their topic or purpose;
  • C. - In some Web pages that can be navigated sequentially and in which the navigation sequence affects their meaning and functioning, some objects that could receive focus do not receive it in an order that preserves their focus meaning and operation;
  • C. - The purpose of some links cannot be determined by the link text or by the link text together with adjacent content;
  • C. - Headings and/or labels do not sufficiently clarify contents or functionality;
  • C. - The focus indicator is not visible on some interactive elements;
  • C. - In some cases the user interface components (including: form elements, links and components generated by scripts...), name, role, states, properties and values ​​are incorrect or set or not alerted you and your assistive technologies when they change;

Drafting of the accessibility declaration

This declaration was drawn up on 28/02/2024.

The evaluation was carried out by third parties through objective and subjective analyzes (see Article 3(1) of Commission Implementing Decision EU 2018/1523).

The statement was last reviewed on 28/02/2024, respecting the recommendation to periodically review (at least annually) the accuracy of the statements contained in this accessibility declaration.

Feedback and contact information

Since we believe that the objective of accessibility is not only compliance with regulations and technical requirements, but above all meeting people's needs, we invite anyone who encounters difficulties in accessing information to report it to the following email:

Responsible for the digital transition

Cascardi Nicandro


Method of sending reports to AgID

In the event of an unsatisfactory response or failure to respond, within thirty days, to the notification or request, the interested party can forward a report to AgID, via certified e-mail, to the following address:

info about site

  1. publication date: 28/02/2024
  2. usability tests were carried out: yes
  3. CMS used for the website: Wordpress

Information on the structure

  1. the number of employees with disabilities present in the administration 125
  2. the number of workstations for employees with disabilities 32