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Route length 4 days

Take a time travel among Europe's highest mountains

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The experience

Dalla formazione delle montagne, ai primi insediamenti umani, dalla costruzione della Roma delle Alpi, fino al magico medioevo dei castelli valdostani. Vivi un’esperienza indimenticabile, in cui il tempo si dilata: in Valle d’Aosta puoi toccare con mano la grandiosità della Storia.

Segui i movimenti dei nostri antenati e scopri quali sono i monumenti che le popolazioni del passato hanno lasciato su questa terra di vette e ghiacciai. Un itinerario dove le pietre parlano e la natura si racconta, attraverso i gesti di chi l’ha vissuta. Acqua, aria, terra e fuoco ti guideranno in un viaggio pieno di emozioni, dove cambiare continuamente punto di vista. 

L’itinerario che stai per scoprire è una traccia, sarà modificato e cucito su misura, per darti la possibilità di visitare e conoscere i villaggi e i paesaggi dove sono cresciuti i tuoi antenati, senza perdere gli highlight della Valle d’Aosta.

Il viaggio è accompagnato dall’equipe di Radici Contemporanee, avrai la possibilità di entrare in contatto con tutte le figure determinanti per ricostruire la tua storia familiare, inserirla in un contesto e rielaborarla anche in chiave artistico-creativa.

Da parte nostra, buon viaggio! 


Guided tours
archaeological sites



Visit to the Fairy Castle, home of the Efisio Noussan Aosta Valley Natural Sciences Museum.


Meet the water.

Relax option: wellness experience at the thermal baths to immerse yourself in water while contemplating the Mont Blanc range.

Wild option: rafting descent of the Dora Baltea, the main river of the region, among castles, villages, and mountains.


Wine tasting to discover heroic wines and traditional dinner.

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Meet the earth: guided visit to the Megalithic Area. Option for lunch or dinner at a Michelin-starred restaurant.


Walk through Roman and medieval Aosta with a personal guide and access to the secret spaces of the Cathedral.

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Meet the air: hot air balloon ride to view the city and valleys from above, eye to eye with mountain peaks.


Be amazed by the wisdom of typical craftsmanship, a hallmark of the Aosta Valley. At MAV – Museum of Aosta Valley Traditional Craftsmanship, you can discover the daily and sacred value of wooden and stone artisanal objects that narrate the life of the Aosta Valley territory through the centuries. Option for a family workshop.

Educational outing to vegetable gardens and stables between Fénis and Saint-Marcel, with lunch or dinner at a farmhouse.

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Meet the fire: nighttime star-gazing experience at the Aosta Valley Astronomical Observatory.

A souvenir photo of the Journey of Roots

A souvenir photo to show to relatives and friends is an essential part of any trip. Make this moment even more special by bringing home a portrait taken and printed by a professional photographer in the lands of your origins.

A portrait in front of the historic family home, a photo with relatives you have never met before your journey of roots, a picture to hang at home to be passed down from parent to child… Strike a pose, smile and click!

Let a professional guide you and enjoy a special moment of your journey of roots that will be eternally memorized and captured on photographic paper.

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